Meet The Metal Magician Amin Gulgee – Art TV Pakistan

Meet The Metal Magician Amin Gulgee

How do you start your day?

You know I start my day; I wake up in the morning,
I don’t take a shower and come down,
pick up the paper, I read it, have my coffee
coffee is super important for me to get charged up

and then I will have the meeting

and then I will go to the workshop
and then I begin my work.
My work is the most important thing to me in my life.
When I am going to my workshop, that’s my space.
I have many locked doors and nobody is really invited in
I hate people coming to my workshop.
I don’t sketch or draw anything, for me everything is very much hands on.

Any special place of your home?
My roof is a very special place for me,
every morning every day when I wake up, that’s
when I go up there and I do my thing.
We have a word in urdu “Barkat” and hopefully you know it means blessing
and I want wonderful spirits to come to my roof.

Your Medium?
You know my work is primarily in copper and bronze
I am a metal worker.
How do you feel about Karachi?
I love Karachi, I was born and bred here,
and you know of course it’s by the sea and of course
the beautiful ocean where you can go there and look at the waves and
feel open and clean and fly like a seagull.
You have the energy of the city, the city buses,
the rickshaws, taxis; it’s polluted it’s crowded,
and it has this tremendous energy.

What is your next project?
My next project in curating is the Karachi biennale,
I have been selected as the chief curator
of the Karachi biennale
which Inn Shaa Allah will happen in 2017 end of October.
Our main focus for the biennale
is going to be the fantastic building in our old downtown
it`s the NJV building which is built in the 1850s,
now it’s a low income school
so our whole intention is to have the biennale in that building
and hope it will bring attention to the building
and the school will resurrect itself.
And I am incredibly excited, overwhelmed
and looking forward to curating this event.